Wednesday, April 8, 2009



Reading 29
Listening 24
Speaking 17
Writing 20



あと、昔、Princeton ReviewのTOEFL講座でも言われたことですが、短期間でスコアを上げないといけない場合、Writingが比較的上げやすいそうで、私の今の点数もまだ上がる余地が結構あるので、このWritingを何とかすることが一つかなと思っています。


(Speaking about familiar topics)- Fair
Grammar and vocabulary are somewhat limited and include some errors.

(Speaking about campus situations) - Limited
・Your responses indicate that you have some difficulty speaking in English about information from conversations, newspaper articles, university publications, and so on.

limited grammar and vocabulary may prevent you from fully expressing your ideas. Problems with pronunciation make it difficult for listeners to understand you at times.

(Speaking about academic content) - Limited
・It is sometimes difficult for listeners to understand your responses because of problems with grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

the amount of information in your responses is limited and the expression of ideas is often vague and unclear.

(Writing based on reading and listening)
・an important idea or ideas may be missing, unclear, or inaccurate

・there may be unclarity in how the lecture and the reading passage are related

grammatical mistakes or vague/incorrect uses of words may make the writing difficult to understand.

(Writing based on knowledge and experience)
・you may not provide enough specific support and development for your main points

・your ideas may be difficult to follow because of how you organize your essay or because of the language you use to connect your ideas

grammatical mistakes or vague/incorrect uses of words may make the writing difficult to understand

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